7 mars 2023
DANSER, DANSEZ, PENSEZ-Y! accompagné d'OTIUM à la Zonmé
Ravi de vopus présenter ma galerie
Jean-Paul Ducarteron
The Jean-Paul Ducarteron\'s pictural work arouses an enthusiastic vision of subject lived by an excess of life. These swarms of lines, spots, folds, imprints and signs bring to the foreground a mysterious subject and to feel the sensual and mortal danger of the division : the life which exceeds the life.
The Jean-Paul Ducarteron\'s pictural work arouses an enthusiastic vision of subject lived by an excess of life. These swarms of lines, spots, folds, imprints and signs bring to the foreground a mysterious subject and to feel the sensual and mortal danger of the division : the life which exceeds the life.
et, mieux encore,
Poésures et Peintries
Art Visuel · Art Pictural · Art Vivant · Poésie · Performances · Peintures
Art Visuel · Art Pictural · Art Vivant · Poésie · Performances · Peintures